Bicycling, a mode of transport that dates back to our ancestors’ era, maintains its popularity today. It remains a favored sport worldwide, and with the rising emphasis on eco-friendly commuting and physical fitness, biking is more prevalent than ever.
If you frequently cycle to work or for daily errands, you’re likely familiar with the discomfort long-distance cycling can cause. The annoyance of traversing rough terrains or extended distances on smooth roads may make the bike’s seat itself a source of irritation.
To mitigate these uncomfortable experiences, it’s recommended to use padded shorts. These shorts are designed to serve as a cushioned layer between your lower body and the bike seat, reducing discomfort.
The surging popularity of adventure sports and mountain biking has led to an increased demand for padded shorts. In response, many protective gear manufacturers have begun producing improved designs of these shorts. These modern padded shorts are incredibly lightweight, thin, and can easily be worn under regular pants.
Most protective gear companies have online stores, and there are many online resellers offering padded shorts. After purchasing and receiving your padded shorts, it’s important to follow certain steps to maximize their benefits. Make sure all parts of the shorts are correctly positioned, and if the gel and padding are separate components, carefully adhere to the instructions to correctly assemble them.
Apply a generous amount of medicated or anti-heat rash powder to facilitate easy wearing of the shorts and to manage perspiration and moisture caused by the shorts’ thick padding. Also, ensure the shorts fit snugly against your body and remain in place.
Not only do padded shorts alleviate the discomfort of long-distance cycling, but they also provide protection for your buttocks, waist, and thighs in the event of an accident.